Friday, 1 March 2013

Recognise this chap?

Morning all.  I was browsing all the free crochet pattern sites and came across this one   Well I had to make him didn't I.

Another really easy pattern to follow and I just love his cute belly button.

Now what can I do next hmmmm?


Lisa xx said...

Aaawww its Boofle!!!! Oh Debs that is just adorable, you are clever xx

Squirrel x said...

Love Boofle! This is brilliant babes, you are so clever - and patient! Hugs Sxx

Lorraine said...

Aww, so sweet! I love all your knitted cuddlies, they're brilliant!
Lorraine x

Anonymous said...

ahhh Debs he is gorgeous so cute. Love Alison xx

Paula (PEP) said...

I'm amazed at the speed with which you are making these creatures. I know Mum had great fun with making all kind of crocheted items.
Have a good weekend.
Paula (PEP)

Wendy said...

Awww adorable Debs, really gorgeous.
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Wendy xx

♥Gemma♥ said...

awww he is just the cutest him!!
hugs and xxx

xxxtglxxx said...

How fab is this! :) I want one Debs! :)



pickle said...

All I can say is WOW.....loving all your crochet hun. I must give some of these little animals a go.

I don't tend to follow patterns for my blankets just pick a stitch and go for it but there are some lovely ones on raverly and bernat or all free crochet patterns

HTH Kerry x

pickle said...

Saw these are thought of you

Kerry x